
Virtual server technologies provide companies with the ability to do more with less, enabling the consolidation of data and applications onto single servers. The benefits to your business are, reduced costs, simplified IT and minimized space requirements.

Essentially, virtualization is a method of deploying multiple server operating systems on the same physical server which share and utilize the same resources.

Saving you money

Opening a new office virtualization should be considered highly, as it will radically reduce your initial hardware costs. We will talk with you to understand what exactly you want to achieve and provide the most cost effective solution, which fits your business IT requirements.

LaBlockTech can offer businesses, currently using fully physical IT infrastructure solutions, to transition to a virtualised environment. We can quickly and efficiently migrate physical servers to virtual servers with very little down time.

Future proof

LaBlockTech will ensure that your physical environment is built for the future. Once you have deployed your virtualized environment, software licenses will be the only future overhead your business incurs, which drastically reduces your total cost of ownership. Any time new servers are required, they can be created on demand and with ease.

Another layer of protection

Virtualization offers an additional layer of protection with the use of snapshots. Snapshots can easily and efficiently be taken at any time using the virtual server console. This will allow for quick restores back to the point in time when the snapshot was taken.

This functionality is available in all virtualization software packages such as VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V and Xen