
IT Support Services

Our team of IT Specialists are on your side when it comes to supporting you and your team. With fully qualified IT Professionals ready to help reduce risks, manage costs and maximize operational efficiencies, we are one of the best IT support company in Houston, Texas. We offer customised support models where we can manage certain components or outsource your whole IT infrastructure.

Benefits of IT Support Services

  • Expertise – Outsourcing complex needs to IT Support Services allows your business to easily tap into specialist skills and knowledge. The lack of not having an in-house expert in a company will not stand in the way of taking advantage of the latest systems and technology.
  • Lower cost of ownership – A managed business IT support service allows you to extend resources at minimal cost. The need for infrastructure and capital outlay can be dramatically reduced by incrementally adding on “add-ons” such as Hardware As A Service (HaaS) where LaBlockTech can supply additional servers or workstations at a small monthly fee.
  • Business Efficiencies – The use of support services always results in higher levels of efficiencies by implementing a more focused use of current business resources. Your business will improve the establishment of best practices.
  • Return of investment – Outsourcing your IT support services means that return on investment is easy to see due to measurable outlay, more efficient cost control and Service Level Agreements (SLA). Your IT budget can be easier to manage because you are guaranteed a fixed cost for IT services.

LaBlockTech works very hard to make your business more efficient by following best practices, continually improving systems and reducing your overall IT expenses. By adopting business IT support services, it allows your business and staff to focus on its core competencies and reducing the pressure on your employees having to fix IT related issues. This results in more efficient staff who become a greater asset to your company whilst improving also improving moral due to smoothly functioning IT infrastructure. Higher customer satisfaction is easier to achieve because having access to the latest technology and an increased focus on delivery means customer satisfaction will be higher. This is because your employees will be able to concentrate on your customers,  so the quality of services should improve.