IT Services Company


Technology Product Sales, IT Services & Solutions



LaBlockTech is one of the leading providers of IT Hardware - Software Sales and Support in Southern California and beyond. We are able to offer our clients one of the most comprehensive range of business products and support services in the market. Our IT Hardware Support contracts are designed to suit all business sizes and levels of technical expertise.

At LaBlockTech, we leverage technology to your advantage. We are your ear to the ground and your muscle in the trenches, assessing equipment performance, troubleshooting issues, managing upgrades and installations, leveraging trends and much more to help you get the most from your technology investment.

Whatever the challenge, you can move forward with confidence knowing that LaBlockTech provides you with IT Hardware, Software, Cloud, proactive, preventative and responsive Managed IT Services. Every business depends on technology. That’s why you want a trusted technology advisor.

Hardware - Software Products & Services

From traditional IT environments to hybrid cloud-enabled infrastructure, LaBlockTech provides the highest level of product Sales knowledge, Technical expertise, Installation, Configuration and strategic guidance to support organizations using previous, current, and next-generation technology. Our experts can help validate your Networking / Server / Storage / Software and other platform choices to offer strategic recommendations for data center transformation solutions. Offering New, and Manfacture Certifed --equipment and data center solutions for every aspect of your business.

Managed IT Services

We take care of your IT by proactively monitoring the network, servers, and systems on which your business relies. Our world-class support structure is designed to keep IT running nonstop.

Cloud Services

Are you ready for the Cloud ? Now you can reduce IT expenses, increase productivity, and enhance business perfomance in a way that has only been possible for large eneterprises - until now. Offering Solutions for AWS, Google, Azure.

IT Consulting

Technology moves so fast, it’s hard to keep up. The good news is that you don’t have to be an IT expert to stay ahead of the pack. LaBlockTech’s team of talented technology professionals are ready to handle any and all of your IT projects and infrastructure.

Backup & Disaster Recovery

LaBlockTech combines planning, prevention and protection to make sure your business thrives no matter what comes your way. Let us help you protect your company against the disasters that can literally put you out of business. Offering Hardware & Software solutions from Barracuda, Veeam , VMware, Zerto, UniTrends, AWS, Azure, and others.

Cabling & Electrical

Our comprehensive services cover every aspect of cabling solutions, from meticulous planning and precise installation of cable and electrical including, ethernet, fiber, video, datacenter, subpanels, and telecom. With our expertise in the field, we guarantee a reliable and resilient connectivity infrastructure that delivers optimal performance.